The wheel of London and the London Eye

wheel of Londre s, known as the London Eye, or as Millenium Whee l, is a great work of modern engineering in one of the most modern cities in the world, London. The construction of the Wheel was made in 1999 and was open to the public to enjoy the views from this work in 2000. Until 2006 was the world’s largest Ferris wheel, when it appeared the Star of Nanchang in China or Singapore Flyer in 2008.
But it is still possibly the most emblamática Noria the world, offering visitors a unique and priceless views of the city of London. Something unique and essential if you are not afraid of heights. The Ferris wheel London Eye London and has a maximum height of 135 meters.
This is a huge structure that is already part of the Skyline of the city of London.Has a total of 32 glass cabinets and each of them can 25 people. It reaches a visibility of 40 kilometers in the most clear days. The wheel in London and theLondon Ey and is located next to Westminster Bridge.
The visiting hours are from October to March from 10 am to 20 pm at night.From April to June from 10 am to 9 pm. In July and August from 10 am to 9 and a half of the night. in September from 10 am to 9 pm.
In terms of prices to enjoy the London Eye, 17.95 pounds for adults, 9.5 pounds for children aged 4 to 15 year olds, 14.30 pounds for over 60 years and free for children under 4 years.